This is a Business Valuation Review assignment. There is also a discussion on the History and Nature of Business. Therefore, create a written valuation report based on a valuation engagement, including calculations.

Business Valuation Review – The History and Nature of Business


Choose a publicly traded company to value in preparation for a purchase by ABC Company (a fictitious company with unlimited funds for this purchase). While ABC Company has funds to purchase the selected company, ABC Company wants an honest and accurate evaluation before the actual purchase. You hired to do this evaluation. Create a written valuation report based on a valuation engagement, including calculations. While some assumptions will need made, those assumptions should be clearly outlined in the report. The report should follow the example in the text.

Business Valuation Review – The History and Nature of Business

The History and Nature of the Business and the General Economic and Industry Outlook should be somewhat limited in scope and combined should be no longer than two pages. Just enough to explain the overall industry and future outlook. The book value and financial position should somewhat limited and consist of no more than two pages. All charts, tables, and financial statements should be included in an appendix. The length for the other sections will be dependent on the company chosen, however, one should expect a minimum of an additional 10 pages, including calculations. The total project excluding the title page, the executive summary, and the appendices should be a minimum of 15 pages.

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