This assignment is about theories and Models of Leadership. There is also a discussion on the Impact of Public Relations in Organizations. Therefore, briefly explain four theories or models of leadership.

Theories and Models of Leadership – Impact of Public Relations in Organizations



Rainey (2014), Chapter 11

Farazmand (2002), Chapter 10


After reading all the module content materials, answer the following (200 words each):

Rainey (2014), Chapter 11 discusses leadership. Briefly explain four theories or models of leadership.

Before we unpack contemporary theories of leadership, we need to define the term itself. Leadership theory scholar Dr. Peter Northouse defines leadership as “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.” This definition makes clear that leadership is not a trait or behavior, and it is not a position. You are not made a leader by your job title, you are made a leader by your influence.

Theories and Models of Leadership – Impact of Public Relations in Organizations

Finally, contemporary theories of leadership wrestle with the motivations of leaders: can you be a leader if your goal is selfish or even malicious? The classic question is, “Was Adolf Hitler a leader?” Theories of leadership must wrestle with the moral implications of a leader’s motivations. As you’ll see in several of the theories below, many theories would answer the question of Hitler with a firm no: Hitler was a dictator, but not a leader. He had positional authority, but did not show true leadership.

Theories and Models of Leadership – Impact of Public Relations in Organizations

In addition, explain leadership theories, styles, and their differences in organizations.

Which of the models do you find most effective?

Identify 3-4 criteria for organizational effectiveness.

In addition, include at least one self-initiated question

Detailed Instructions


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