This assignment focuses on TV show with communication breakdown. There is also Defining  of interpersonal communication. So, analyze and reflect on the example(s) from the movie/TV show. Besides, it may be best to first define the concept and follow up with an example of what you saw in the movie/TV show.

TV show with communication breakdown : Defining interpersonal communication

Please use a well-known movie/tv show.
1. Describe the storyline of the movie/TV show.
2. Describe the communication that took place and the conflict involved.
3. Identify and define what interpersonal communication is.
4. Apply three concepts, terms, and/or theories [nonverbal communication, relational dialectics & emotion ( ex: emotion contagion, physiological changes during strong emotions, nonverbal behavior)]
5. Indicate what was learned related to conflict and how it can be solved in watching this movie/TV show. Also, note what could be helpful in future interactions to improve communication skills when it comes to conflict

Capture the attention of the audience/paper reviewer.
Provide an overview of the topic/concepts/theories that will be discussed in the paper.
Define interpersonal communication.
Provide a purpose statement at the end of the introduction paragraph. (i.e. The purpose of this paper will be to ….)
-Describe the movie/TV show (i.e. what is it about, who are the characters involved, what was the situation – make sure to include in-text APA formatted citations for the entire body of the paper).

TV show with communication breakdown : Defining interpersonal communication

-Identify the communication breakdown/conflict (i.e. what caused the issue in the relationship).
-Analyze and reflect on the example(s) from the movie/TV show. It may be best to first define the concept and follow up with an example of what you saw in the movie/TV show.
-Answer the “so what…” question, by explaining why it is helpful to analyze the episode with these concept(s). (i.e. what did you learn that could be helpful in your own relationships, resolving a conflict in the future).
-Conclusion (approx 1-2 quality paragraphs)
Include an “In conclusion” statement at the start of the conclusion.
Summarize/review your findings.

Detailed Instructions


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