a person’s usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living; vocation: Her occupation was dentistry. any activity in which a person is engaged. possession, settlement, or use of land or property.

Because humans are occupational beings,5 occupations have therapeutic potential. Occupational therapists categorize occupations as self-care, productivity, and leisure. Self-care can be functional mobility and communication, home management, personal hygiene, or community activity such as grocery shopping


Occupation is your job or the way you spend your time or one country maintaining a military presence in another. An example of occupation is when you are a doctor or a lawyer. An example of occupation is when the United States maintains military troops in Iraq to keep control and order.

During occupation-based intervention, occupational therapy practitioners use relevant occupations as their primary means to achieve goals related to performance. This may include using occupations to establish or remediate client skills and body functions, promote health, or prevent dysfunction.