The assignment talks about Ethical Medical Dilemmas. Moreover, there is a description of Advanced Directives and Refusal of Treatment. So, describe how the ethical concepts from the dilemma, correlate with ethical theories.

Ethical Medical Dilemmas – Advanced Directives and Refusal of Treatment

Paper details:

HOT TOPIC MEDICAL DILEMMAS Research Paper. Firstly, students will be asked to research two different ethical medical dilemmas that have presented in the press, social media, news, and any other sources. Secondly, they can find to write a 5 page paper discussing the ethical dilemma presented. Also, what parts of the “story” can correlate to ethical theories based off ethics class. In the paper please address the follow: Summarize the ethical dilemma. Aid‐in‐dying laws in the United States have two important restrictions. Firstly, only patients who are terminally ill, defined as having a prognosis of six months or less to live, qualify. Secondly, at the time the patients take the lethal medication, they must competent to make medical decisions.

Ethical Medical Dilemmas – Advanced Directives and Refusal of Treatment

Firstly, describe how the ethical concepts from the dilemma, correlate with ethical theories learned throughout the course, or in similar educational resources. Discuss how the ethical dilemma has affected the medical world. Within the discussion, in third person discuss as a researcher what alternate possible outcomes could have done to change the original dilemma. Topic 1= Advanced Directives Topic 2= Refusal of treatment. This means that an advance directive requesting aid in dying for a later time when the patient lacks decision‐making capacity would be invalid. However, many people are more concerned about avoiding living into severe dementia for years—a time when they will lack decision‐making capacity—than they are about preventing suffering or the loss of dignity or autonomy for a few months at the end of life .

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